Friday, May 18, 2012

The Nutella thief

IT'S SUMMER! Beach, sunshine, picnics, sunglasses, convertables (I wish), & popsicles! & unfortunately.... a summer job

Y uno have summer off?!

The elementary school year is over, which means my comfy most perfect job is over too. Anyways, my summer job consists of entertaining a three and half year old named Zoe & and a two year old named Max. I change nasty diapers, make gourmet lunches, force naps, caravan to the park, and watch disney movies all day long. Not too shabby. PLUS I get to be a witness of the hilarious and mischievous things these little devils get into. 

Sidenote: I am utterly in love with Nutella. I LOVE IT. Everyday i'm eatin it. My little cheat of chocolate for the day. So, of course, I HAVE to bring my jumbo sized jar of it with me to the Capsolas house. 


I had just opened this fresh heavenly jar of Nutella and spread it on some toast. Yum. I twisted the lid back on and set it on the counter. I knew i'd be back for more in about an hour. Max & I are cuddling together in front of the tv watching Max and Ruby, a show that's on repeat in this house for at least 3 hours a day. Zoe sits down next to me. Not regular Zoe. A brown substanced COVERED ZOE! She had it all over her hands, skirt, face, and legs. LAUGHTER was my first reaction, Until I realized she had gotten into the goods. That's right, my Nutella baby.


Here is our conversation:

Me: What's all over your face?
Zoe: I don't know.
Me: Is it Nutella?
Zoe: No.
Me: Don't lie Zoe, did you eat some Nutella?
Zoe: I don't....know.
Me: You'll have to go to your room if you don't tell me the truth Zoe!
Zoe: Okay I DID!!
Me: Did you eat it with your fingers?
Zoe: No.
Me: Did you eat it with a spoon?
Zoe: No
Me: Did you eat it with your mouth?!


Zoe: Yes....

My worst nightmare! I love this little girl but she is a grubby little thing and is probably germ infested! She lapped my Nutella out of the jar like she was a dog drinking water. Of course I forgave her and threw the WHOLE jar away. 

YEA RIGHT! I would not waste that shizz. It costs like eight bucks! Shoot. I screwed the lid on tight and put that sucker in my purse so she couldn't pull that stunt again. 

A few hours later I had a craving, so I dug into my black hole of a purse and made me some Nutella toast. Germs and all. I even made cute Zoe some too. :)