Tuesday, December 13, 2011

12 Days.

I Know I already posted about Christmas, BUT I'm just so excited! Only 12 days! & only 9 days til I go home! Whoo!

Monday, December 5, 2011

The time when laughing made me feel bad...

I could NOT control my laughter...
Let me set up the scene for you.

My favorite 25 minutes at work is when I get to go into one of the 1st grade classrooms. They are the cutest darn kids ever. It has made me want to be an elementary teacher so much more. Right now they are writing stories about going to the North Pole and how they are going to get there. Super cute.
 I sit in the back of the classroom and if they need help they come see me. Well, i'm sitting there, helping Ashtyn spell "Rudolph" when I hear THE biggest fart, toot, stinker, farfignoogin, flatulent, gas bubble. (You get the point.) And trust me, my family has no shame in letting them out, no matter how big or small, so I know big farts. This one blew me out of the water...literally. Of course, instinct was to look right into the direction of the perpetrator and to start laughing. (Why are farts so funny? I ask myself that question often. haha) There me and Ashtyn are, completely baffled by what we just heard. Me: trying not to laugh. Ashtyn: laughing her head off, pointing and asking, "What was that?" As i'm trying to hold in my laugh, keep a straight face, and help the growing line of first graders spell christmas vocabulary, I couldn't help but look at the sweet little girl who let out such a monster. Or was it the cute little ginger boy next to her? I started to look for clues. The little girl was making fart sounds with her mouth. (Smart yet obvious technique of trying to play it off, I would've just pointed and blamed someone next to me.) But the carrot top was extremely red in the face and had his head down, practically kissing his paper. Who was it? I didn't care. My focus was just to stop laughing. (For those of you who know me, once I get going it's hard for me to stop.) The two suspects were just staring at me, along with the growing line of kids. I could NOT stop chuckling to myself! I felt bad, REALLY bad. But that didn't stop me. As i'm helping my line, I randomly start laughing and the kids look at me like i'm crazy. Luckily, my time was up and I had to go back to my good ol' computer lab. Good thing I got out of there before I made anyone cry. I will never look at those two first graders the same, BUT they did make my day so much better. So, thank you first graders, thank you.