Friday, May 18, 2012

The Nutella thief

IT'S SUMMER! Beach, sunshine, picnics, sunglasses, convertables (I wish), & popsicles! & unfortunately.... a summer job

Y uno have summer off?!

The elementary school year is over, which means my comfy most perfect job is over too. Anyways, my summer job consists of entertaining a three and half year old named Zoe & and a two year old named Max. I change nasty diapers, make gourmet lunches, force naps, caravan to the park, and watch disney movies all day long. Not too shabby. PLUS I get to be a witness of the hilarious and mischievous things these little devils get into. 

Sidenote: I am utterly in love with Nutella. I LOVE IT. Everyday i'm eatin it. My little cheat of chocolate for the day. So, of course, I HAVE to bring my jumbo sized jar of it with me to the Capsolas house. 


I had just opened this fresh heavenly jar of Nutella and spread it on some toast. Yum. I twisted the lid back on and set it on the counter. I knew i'd be back for more in about an hour. Max & I are cuddling together in front of the tv watching Max and Ruby, a show that's on repeat in this house for at least 3 hours a day. Zoe sits down next to me. Not regular Zoe. A brown substanced COVERED ZOE! She had it all over her hands, skirt, face, and legs. LAUGHTER was my first reaction, Until I realized she had gotten into the goods. That's right, my Nutella baby.


Here is our conversation:

Me: What's all over your face?
Zoe: I don't know.
Me: Is it Nutella?
Zoe: No.
Me: Don't lie Zoe, did you eat some Nutella?
Zoe: I don't....know.
Me: You'll have to go to your room if you don't tell me the truth Zoe!
Zoe: Okay I DID!!
Me: Did you eat it with your fingers?
Zoe: No.
Me: Did you eat it with a spoon?
Zoe: No
Me: Did you eat it with your mouth?!


Zoe: Yes....

My worst nightmare! I love this little girl but she is a grubby little thing and is probably germ infested! She lapped my Nutella out of the jar like she was a dog drinking water. Of course I forgave her and threw the WHOLE jar away. 

YEA RIGHT! I would not waste that shizz. It costs like eight bucks! Shoot. I screwed the lid on tight and put that sucker in my purse so she couldn't pull that stunt again. 

A few hours later I had a craving, so I dug into my black hole of a purse and made me some Nutella toast. Germs and all. I even made cute Zoe some too. :)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Cookie Dough Challenge

Last night was Monday. Which means...BACHELOR IS ON!
As I'm sitting there soaking up the greatest girl drama ever, I had the BIGGEST craving.
Chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream!
Sadly, I didn't have any so I settled for plain ol' vanill. (abbreviating random words is cool now)

As I was standing at the counter, ferociously mashing my vanilla ice cream (wishing it was choc (another abrev) chip cookie dough) into a mushy slop, I was suddenly thrown into a very vivid memory. It was like I was just hanging out in Dumbledore's office and wondered over to the pensieve and stuck my head in.

I time traveled to when I was about 11 years old. My little sister/best bud and I had just finished doing the dishes, so we were allowed to have dessert. But dessert time to us meant "THE COOKIE DOUGH CHALLENGE!" Here are the rules:

1. Both challengers must finish the dishes from dinner and wipe down the counters.

2. Get your own bowl and spoon.

3. No scouting out and scooping which part of the carton you can see the most cookie dough. Punishment: Disqualification!

4. No biting cookie dough balls in half to make them count for more.

5. Whoever has the most cookie dough, not only gets to eat their own cookie dough balls, but also their opponent's cookie dough balls.

Almost every night, we would battle head to head. We'd savagely shovel our ice cream into our mouths and suck out the cookie dough and put them on our napkins. When we finished our ice cream, we'd both count up our cookie doughs and determine the winner. I realize we were pretty wierd and sick, but what little kid wouldn't want DOUBLE cookie doughs!? Let's get real here. Even if they were coated in another person's saliva.

More often than not, I took the trophy and was consuming all of Karlee's cookie dough. Sorry Kar. I'm just a natural at these types of things. What can I say? 

1st Place Winner: Jessica Lakin

After reliving that glorious memory, I was left staring at my plain ol' ice cream wishing it had cookie dough AND wishing Karlee was there to take on another challenge. I was left questioning myself. Would I eat Karlee's germ coated cookie doughs if I won again? Would I not care just like when I was that naive little 11 year old? Could I do it?  

     Bring it on Kar Kar.